
As a provider of high quality childcare we take health and safety very seriously. With this in mind we have put together information based on Public Health England advice regarding coronavirus (COVID-19).

The UK Chief Medical Officer has set the risk to the public as moderate. The risk of contracting the virus is very low with very few cases in the UK compared to the number of those tested.

We are working closely with our nursery managers, local authority and taking advice from Public Health England to introduce internal procedures to best manage the current risk and ensure we are prepared in the event of spread in the UK or a link to one of our nurseries.

We asking all staff, parents and visitors to be aware of the symptoms of Covid-19 (Coronavirus), a high temperature (fever), a cough and shortness of breath however, these are common symptoms of other illnesses such as cold and flu. Having these symptoms does not necessarily mean you have Covid-19.

How to reduce the risk?

What action to take if symptoms develop?

The World Health Organisation have said ‘While we are still learning about how COVID-2019 affects people, older persons and persons with pre-existing medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes) appear to develop serious illness more often than others.’

If older children are curious or worried you may find the link below useful

Just for kids: A comic exploring the new coronavirus

Other Useful Links

Government advice on Coronavirus

Government advice detailing affected areas

DfE and Public Health guidance for Educational Settings on Coronavirus